Monday, February 22, 2010

Twitter...will you marry me?

I went to NYC with AU on a Marketing Trip to look at companies. The first night we met career consultant and author @lindseypollack who talked about how critical social media marketing has become in companies. She suggested we can use social media to reach out to companies for a job as well.

She gives an example. Students were going to visit the Good Morning America television set. She suggested that the students tweet about being there and mention @gma they'll most likely get a response. It was that moment I became obsessed with twitter. Being able to reach out to people who were once out of reach. Its so fun to get retweeted and and mention @MeeraManek

Now on the subject of Linkeden. I don't use it as much. I think I've completed 80% of my profile for awhile now. But, I'm to open to the experience because this is getting creative with the networking.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who has better cell phone coverage...India?

With over 1.1 Billion people, in India it is survival of the fittest. And to survive, you need a mobile. Especially, the rural parts of India.

While I am Indian, I definitely am an American when I travel to India. I can tell you first hand that mobile phones are very much in the rural parts...they are everywhere. The rural parts of India are still very backwards relative to its big cities.

Donkeys are pulling wooden carts of crop. Water is collected at a community well. The power goes out at various times to conserve the limited energy. Roads are still mud and rock. India's rural community lives in antiquated times so when you see everyone with cells can't help but chuckle.

It's like they decided they couldn't embrace all technology so they would embrace the one that could help them make the most money. The first time I heard the term SMS (short message service) was in India. I couldn't believe how they much they had adopted mobile technology.

Even though parts of India are ass backwards, its refreshing to see technology being adopted this way in this country.

In contrast, the US is getting excited about such a technology that pinpoints your friend's exact location. While I get excited that I can find the closest CVS in walking distance to me, it makes me nervous to think that you can "cyberstalk" your friends.

I can just picture it now...wife checking where politician husband really is or ex-boyfriend sees that that you are at the local starbucks and walks in on you having an interview.

This is bad news. Social Media does bring out the stalker tendencies in all of us. Having the ability to actually stalk with the help of the Helio and of mobile social scary...the potential for damage is very scary.

Hope everyone has recovered from the cabin fever...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Apparently we are all dumb?

I'm surprised to see how many articles from various major news outlets have written about how dumb my generation is.

Who cares that 1/4 of 18-24 year olds drew a blank when they were asked about Dick Cheney. I'm sure they were blocking painful memories of their formidable years. We should all attempt to forget about him.

I take offense that we measure the quality of our generation based on these surveys. There are many questions that if asked, I'm sure we could answer and prove otherwise.

With technology taking over everything, we are forced to adapt to the trends. Otherwise we loose out. There are a lot of things that our generation understands about technology that makes us smarter than other generations.

We are in fact writing our history.

I do agree, that our brains are changing as a result of technology. It is much harder for me to read a text book or a series of cases. But, it's much easier for me to do the homework for this class because it involves the internet technology. Something I'm using a whole lot during the day. I do have to force myself to read but its totally refreshing when I do.

I do find it atrocious that this fact below might be true. Even after students come to Washington DC and walk through the American History museum they don't know this. Clearly we are skipping huge sections of our history book or class if this is true.

"Two thirds of high-school seniors in 2006 couldn't explain an old photo of a sign over a theater door reading COLORED ENTRANCE"